By Tony
Cambridge, MA
Member of the Amateur Telescope Makers of Boston
"Here are my notes for M1 through M45
…as seen from Danehy Park
4.5 miles from the center of Boston through my 7" Starmaster
Oak Classic Dob (Starm), my 70mm F/6.9 Televue Ranger refractor
(Ranger), my 7x35 Nikon binocular (Binos), and naked-eye (Nake).
I could typically see stars down to mag 4.5 or 4.6 in the
evening, and 4.7 or 4.8 in the early AM. The Double Cluster
was the only DSO consistently visible naked-eye (besides M45),
and I made out the Milky Way thru Cygnus once -- barely.
Eyepieces used were the 35mm Rini widefield (28X in Starm),
30mm Celestron Ultima (32X in Starm and 16X in Ranger), and
Vixen Lanthanum 8-24mm zoom (40-120X in Starm, 20-60X in Ranger).
I also used a Lumicon UHC filter on a number of objects.
I have tried to expand the most arcane abbreviations in my notes,
but many remain -- mostly obvious, I hope. Here are a few that
might need explication:
* - star or stars
a/v - averted vision
d/v - direct vision
res - resolve, resolved
conc - concentrated
ufrm - uniform
f - faint
br - bright
v- very
obv - obvious
M1-M45 constitute Messier's first collection, and in general,
they are much easier to see than the later ones. The early
list is also weighted towards the kinds of objects that are
hurt least by light pollution, namely open clusters and
(to a lesser extent) globular clusters. Note that out of
the total 32 open clusters and nebulous open clusters, 24
are in the first 45 objects. By contrast, only 3 out of the
39 galaxies are in the first 45.
Unfortunately for anybody attempting the list in numerical
order, M1 happens to be one of the hardest of the first 45.
None of these objects was particularly hard in the 7" Dob,
and I only failed to see two of them in the 70mm refractor,
namely M20 and M26. M20 was a failure because it is fairly
faint, and also at a far southern declination, so that it is
always buried way down in the light pollution that cloaks
the horizon in any urban or suburban area. M26 is a more
subtle kind of failure. All of the open clusters were
relatively easy in the 7" Dob, because it had enough oomph
to resolve their brighter stars, even through heavy light
pollution. Many of the clusters were resolved just fine in
the 70mm refractor too, but there were a fair number that
failed to resolve -- and a much larger number that failed
to resolve in the 7X35 binocular. However, many of these
were visible anyway, as diffuse clouds of light. But M26
is both too faint to resolve and also has surface brightness
too low to form a visible cloud against a brightly-lit sky.
M38 has similar problems; I have always found this the hardest
to see of the trio in Auriga through small instruments, at
low powers, and against lit-up skies.
I cannot emphasize too much how sensitive many of these objects
are to light pollution. Danehy Park is right on the edge, where
all or almost all of the Messier objects are possible, but many
are very difficult. I have not explored this seriously, but I
am sure that even a modest increase in sky brightness would
make many of the objects flat-out impossible -- for me, anyway.
Conversely, I have done some observing from the Audubon Sanctuary
in Belmont, a mere 2.5 miles farther from Boston than Danehy Park.
That 2.5 miles buys an extra 0.3 or so in naked-eye stellar
limiting magnitude, which may not sound like much. But it is!
The Milky Way is readily visible to the naked eye, and objects
that are barely visible through a telescope under Danehy's
4.7 skies become quite obvious in Belmont's mag 5.0 skies.
It is also hard to emphasize too much how badly objects
are hurt when they are close to the horizon. The effect
is bad enough even under dark skies, but under heavy light
pollution, low altitude hits you with a triple whammy.
First, normal extinction, just as under dark skies. Second,
the light pollution becomes dramatically worse as you look
through an increasing distance of light-soaked air. Finally,
low altitude prevents the use of high power, which is the
number-one weapon against light pollution.
Starm: Vague @28X, elusive but vis d/v 40X. Shapeless
cloud ~4' across. Still vis a/v down to ~80X, but
best at medium powers.
Ranger: @40X a/v frly lge squarish block of light, not too hard.
Starm: @120X grainy but not res except * W of ctr, prob fld star.
Otherwise same as ranger, concentrated gently towards ctr.
Ranger: @60X br circ ~3' with brter core about 1.5'.
Binos: Tiny fuzzy patch.
Starm: @120X 1 * consis res in halo a/v, halo grainy, hint many
* nr res a/v, pretty.
Ranger: Bright fuzzball brter in ctr than edges.
Binos: Small but br, obvious.
Starm: Quite difficult, barely vis @28X, slightly bolder @40X.
Faint, ragged ethereal cloud. Fascinating @120X, where
numerous * appear a/v out of barely visible cloud.
Ranger: Barely vis, best ~40X.
Starm: v br, striking @40X. @120X lovely, 6' rslv several *
easily a/v, dozens more peering thru gently.
Ranger: Bright and obvious, not spectacular.
Binos: Readily vis, frly br fuzzball.
Starm and Ranger: well res at lowest power, richer than M7.
Binos: Did not try too hard, but could not positively id.
Starm and Ranger: lovely, fully res at lowest power.
Binos: Pretty well res a/v, lovely.
Nake: Cannot see M7, but whole hook of Sco vis, wonderful.
Starm: Cluster v obvious, glimpses of nebulosity w/o filter,
esp SW of 9 Sag. With UHC filter, cluster subdued and neb
brought out v strongly, esp br patch SW of 9 Sag, then
arcing thru cluster, clear and obv gap between cluster
and 2 * incl 9 Sag. 2nd strongest conc SW of cluster,
cluster + neb neatly parallel 9 Sag + neb.
Ranger: @20X nice dbl * W, cluster 4 * v obv, perh 4 more a/v.
@60X cluster ~12*, also 2 pr obv * floating S of cluster.
Faint hint neb @60X w/o filter. UHC kills cluster almost
completely, neb comes out clearly, esp SW of 9 Sag and thru pr.
Binos: Cluster obvious, no nebulosity.
Starm: 1.5', mod f, mod conc.
Ranger: v f smudge 1' a/v ptlk ctr, same all pow 16X-60X.
Starm: lovely, 4' evenly br, stardust a/v, >8 * hard to pin down.
Ranger: frly easy, equally good all pow 16X-60X, featureless blob
3.5' roughly even brt all across.
Starm: Utterly lovely at all powers. @32X fan shape of light off
br *, few * poking through a/v. @120X res huge number of *.
Ranger: Fuzzy patch, only br * showing, possibly grainy.
Binos: Very obvious br fuzzy patch.
Starm: Extremely f in @28X, @120X f, diffuse but quite pretty,
>= 7 * stars poke out a/v.
Ranger: Faint d/v, not easy, featureless smudge.
Starm: @120X magnificent, 3' br core fading to >6' halo, grainy
d/v w a few * in halo, >20 * in and out a/v.
Ranger: 3.5', moderately conc to 2' core, br.
Binos: Clearly extended br fuzz spot.
Starm: Elusive a/v, but also d/v, not conc, v lge, 5'.
Ranger: Faint a/v @60X, lge, 4'.
Starm: @120X seems brter than M2, also seems to be slightly
truncated on E.
Ranger: @60X 3' circle.
Binos: Tiny fuzzy patch just of br-ish *.
Starm: Well res @120X, sense arc sweeping up NE around * at
N end. Definitely no neb w/o UHC. UHC fills tiny cluster
at N end w neb w/o losing too many *, quite pretty.
Ranger: Stands out moderately well @20X and @60X. UHC brings
out neb but loses almost all *, big disappointment.
Binos: Very obvious cloud, no res.
Starm: Neb readily vis w/o UHC @28X and all higher powers.
Elliptical patch 6x2 EW, brtest W. Genuinely striking w
UHC all pow, more cond, checkmark pointing S vis on W end.
Ranger: Neb readily vis w/o UHC, much more striking w UHC,
but UHC kills so many * that overall view suffers.
Checkmark obvious W end, esp w UHC.
Binos: Vague cloud just SE of mag 5 * a/v.
Starm: Best @60X, stands out OK, not great, well res, 6 * in
tngl plus tail of 3 * to SW makes arrow 5' long pointing NE.
Ranger: Stands out poorly @60X, 5 * in tngl pointing NE,
1 in and out a/v.
Binos: Tried and failed.
Starm: Easy a/v, just d/v, 2', mod conc.
Ranger: Very f smudge a/v 3'.
Starm: Hint neb, poss imagined w UHC @40X and @60X, also
imagined w/o UHC. Other than that, not much there.
M20 is S end of odd cross-like asterism.
Ranger: No hint of neb or cluster at this location.
Starm: @40X 8 br cluster memb, roughly equilat tngl WNW,
2 pr close * pointing EW on S ctr side, including much
the brightest *, then arrow of 3 * pointing inward ESE.
@120X perh ~6 more * poke thru a/v, whole 5x2 PA 90.
Ranger: Res ~6*, not well defined or obv.
Starm: Very obv all pow, @120X ~5' across res 2 * d/v, several
more clear a/v, many glimmering through a/v.
Ranger: Quite obv all pow, frly ufrm, mod conc towards ctr, 4-5'.
Binos: Vis but not v easy, big but f.
Starm: Stands out nicely @28X, just SE of br-ish * [mag 6.5].
Overfills fld @120X, best view @40X, >35 *.
Ranger: Just vis @16X, nice @60X, >20*, more in and out a/v.
Binos: Cannot see.
Starm: Obv @28X as patch of * suddenly much more dense, esp
coming up from S, ~1.5 deg EW by ~3.5 deg NS (note this is
much bigger than charted.)
Ranger: Discrete collection of * like very sparse cluster all
fitting in 3-deg fld @16X.
Binos: Nice lozenge, res several *.
Starm: Best view @60X, higher loses cluster appearance. Quite
nice even @28X, most striking is tight cluster of 10* 5x2 nr ctr,
also line of 6* 6' long just S of that, including nice wide dbl.
Ranger: 6* in ctr cluster, 3 * in line to S.
Starm: Hard to find, hard to see, seems sparse at 10' generously.
Dominated by diamond of 4 in ctr, sketched fifth in there plus
4 more NE, plus 2 more br.
Ranger: Hopeless, only brtest * showing, no sign of cluster.
Starm: Very obv fuzzball @28X. Obv elongated rectangle ~1.5
times longer than wide, strong suggestion apple shape even
without UHC, more w UHC. Not much to choose bet filter and
not. Different each pow, too dim @120X w UHC, 80X poss best.
Ranger: Clearest @60X, also vis @20X, obv but no detail. UHC
brings out more clearly, hint of apple shape.
Binos: V dfclt if at all.
Starm: Obv all pow, little f @120X, quite small (1.5-2') no res,
strongly conc towards ctr.
Ranger: Not hard but not at all prominent, maybe a/v.
Starm: Pick up easily in @28X, tiny and cute. 8 * in 6'
circle, plus maybe 2 outliers 6' E of ctr. Dominant shape is
6 mod br * [8.6-9.3] in two arcs NS facing away from each other.
2 fnter * [10.2 S, 10.5 N] directly N of innermost star E arc.
Ranger: Pick up but tricky @16X because * not v br, also tiny.
@60X 6 * easy, just barely make out extra 2 *.
Starm: Very br 0.5' core in br 2' halo, hint grainy, nice.
Ranger: Moderately obv @16X, br crc 2' @60X, not much detail
Starm: Stellar nucleus, br core ~10', poss slightly ellip,
plus f extension roughly same size as core to SSW.
Ranger: Small, v br oval 5'x4', no hint of halo.
Binos: Very obvious small fuzzy patch.
Nake: Pretty sure I can see it, nu And easy.
Starm and Ranger: V obvious medium-high power, tiny starlike
point, v br.
Starm: Large glow no clear edges hard to see at first @32X,
getting more undoubtable as look more. Pretty obv @40X,
br patch 10x8 PA 0. NGC 604 obvious tiny fuzz far from core.
Ranger: @20X reasonably vis, 10x8 PA 0 as in starm.
Starm: More lovely than in Ranger, stars stand out better but
probably no more of them.
Ranger: Stands out poorly, lovely br close pr * in arc nr ctr.
Binos: Judge f smudge, not res on casual glance.
Starm: @40X 20x30, apple core with two bites taken out, quite
rich, >40*; @60X more f * not so well framed.
Ranger: Shocking contrast to Starm, @20X didn't recognize when
sitting right on it, *s pop out a/v, better view @40X - 60X,
~24*, not well def.
Binos: Surprisingly hard, 2 * plus very vague patch light.
Starm: @40X ~12 br * plus perh 18 f *s in shape of arrowhead
10' on side plus stubby extension L and lge 15' crab claw R.
Ranger: best @60X sim to Dob, 12 br * quite clear incl nice dbl,
f *s become nebulosity along arms
Binos: Tight, clear, well def, not res.
Starm: @28X glorious, 3* clrly res, more a/v in lge strong cloud,
best @60X Xmas tree, v beautiful, 20x15 star-spangled.
Ranger: @20X diffuse cloud perh 1 *, @60X pulls apart into
darkness, 3* easy, dozens peeking out a/v, lovely.
Binos: Larger than M36, fuzz patch not so br, not so well def.
Starm: @40X frly nice, characteristic X or T shape, bottom of
T being curved, 2 br * off one arm of T, res ~24*, worse
higher power, quite hard @28X.
Ranger: Quite hard, alm invis @20X and lower, just coming in @40X,
better @60X, lines of X traced in neb, few stars coming thru.
Binos: Twice size of M36, v faint brightening of bkgd.
Starm: Stands out pr well @28X Rini, large, bright, and coarse.
~12 * beyond bkgd over 30' crcl, mostly mag 6-9.
Ranger: Likewise, fnter stars @60X but framed best @30X and lower.
Starm: Readily vis, easily split @28X.
Ranger: Possibly split, certainly vis @16X, illusion nebulous.
Stars f, see one lose the other, pretty obv a/v @40X.
Starm: Best view @28X, framing not so good as in Ranger,
sky bkgd not so dark, fnt *s brought out v strongly,
losing sense of mystery, ~24 *.
Ranger: Nice view @20X, framed perfectly. About 24 *, many
near ctr just at edge of visibility. @30X sky bkgd darker,
more attractive but framing getting lost.
Binos: Similar to M35, vague cloud res 2-3 *.
Starm: Magnificent @120X, E batwing f a/v, stretching almost
to br * 15' SE of the1-Ori. Much detail around mouth,
Trapezium gorgeous (better @40X), whole extremely luminous.
Nice mottling on N side of neb. UHC not much help.
M43 vis as vague smear light, unremarkable.
Ranger: OK @16X, wings completely gone, just part around "mouth"
left. Crisper with UHC, and M43 appeared as far disjoint cloud
around Nu Ori. Much prettier view @53X, better than 16X w UHC.
53X w UHC too dark, no better than w/o. Gorgeous, but not
remotely comparable to view in starm, batwing completely
missing, less detail around mouth.
Starm: @28X still nice but not as well framed as 16X in ranger.
Extra aperture brings out a few more f stars, but not enough
to be interesting.
Ranger: @16X very pretty, perfectly framed, ~30 *. Pentangle seen
in binos resolves as 2 single *, 1 closish pair and two triples --
cute! Nice because whole cluster hierarchical, loose framework
dominated by pairs, triples, and chains.
Binos: Very pretty, 9-10 * readily vis, 2 close together, sense
more just at edge of vis, dominated by striking pentangle
(rhombus w hat) SE of ctr.
Nake: To my surprise, popped out unmistakably a/v. Also saw
gam-Cnc (mag 4.6, not too hard) nearby.
Starm and Ranger: Fully res both instruments, framed OK at
28X in starm. Note lovely asterism 4 * nr ctr.
Binos: Magnificent, well res.
Nake: 5 * pr easy, 6th with some effort.
Here are my notes for Messier objects M46 - M110
…, excluding M102,
which I don't believe in.The failure, or extreme
difficulty, with M68 was totally
unexpected. Without a doubt, this would have been a
easy object if it were not so low in the sky -- 21 degrees
at its highest. It is sobering to compare my failure,
near-failure, using the 7" Dob under urban light
with my notes for M68 using my 10X50 binocular under
reasonably dark (though far from pristine) skies:
visible as a faint smudge." That is with 30% of
the aperture,
and a magnification much farther from optimal!
My success on M83 was almost
as surprising, because this
galaxy is even lower (18 degrees off the horizon), and
spirals have notoriously low surface brightness. But I
forgotten that M83 has a particularly bright and
core, which shone through the light pollution with no
Starm: @120X alm fills fld, have to pan around to see
how much
richer than bkgd (very). Several
dozen * all pr f except 2 br,
many more lurking, nice.
Ranger: @60X just beginning to come in, 2 br * to
side plus many
*s peeking thru vaguely a/v, hazy
brightness 15' crc.
Starm: @28X little more impressive than in ranger,
@40X v well res
40* 20x40, hard to say where stops.
Ranger: Best @30X, ~20*, big, br, sparse, A shaped.
Binos: Frly easy, make out few *s all little too
close for res.
Starm: @28X ~30' loose but shapely 16 * easily vis,
interesting Y
or gamma formation as seen inverted 10'
long just E of ctr,
with br * E of that not obv part of
cluster. @40X suddenly
see in whole new light, eq tngl 40' on
side with Y in middle,
40 easy *, still more poking out at edge
of vis, yet some
quite br, very nice effect. Extra
stars at higher powers but
beginning to top out @80X.
Ranger: @16X readily vis but not so pretty, ~10 *,
sky bkgd too
bright. @20X sim to view starm
@28X, v pretty, lots of * at
edge of vis, Y shows 6-7 * plus 3-4 more
elsewhere. Quite
nice @40X, 16-18 *, still many on edge of
vis, esp along Y.
60X brings out more * but losing framing.
Starm: Easy d/v @60X, rnd halo 2-3', stellar core.
Ranger: Barely vis a/v @20X, which is best power.
Starm: @32X sim view to ranger @60X, much
better @120X,
more nrly fills up fld, still framed OK,
brings out bunch
of f * right nr ctr. ~27 * in tngl,
hard to say where ends.
Ranger: Best @60X, roughly 6x12, >12*, some nr
edge of vis,
sparse, not clearly def.
Starm: Not vis @28X, found d/v @60X, then could see
@40X. Best
@80X, twin cores reasonably br, S ~0.5
mag brter. Attractive.
Ranger: Pops out occasionally @40X, can't see twin
Starm: Lovely @120X, res ~20*, shapely, rich.
Ranger: F cloud @16X, @60X res ~6*, maybe more in and
out a/v,
but actually less distinct than at lower
pow, not enough *
to look like cluster but too well res to
be cloud.
Binos: Found location unmistakably, but no convincing
Starm: Very obv @28X, hint grainy res @120X.
Ranger: Readily vis d/v @16X, no better higher, not v
Binos: Tricky a/v.
Starm: @120X intensely brt, small, <1', pntlk
lower pow.
Ranger: Easy d/v @20X, intense, barely extended @60X.
Starm: Enormous, vague, a/v, best ~60X, better @40X
than @120X.
Dfclt, best seen when panning scope,
>7' crc.
Ranger: Very sim to Starm, sim dfclt, maybe best
@30X, again
harder @60X, enormous, vague.
Starm: Faint but readily vis @28X. Much more
obv @120X, small
cloud 3' almost evenly br, fading
slightly at edges. No res.
Ranger: Pretty hard, definitely requires a/v.
Starm: Readily vis @28X. Donut, elongation obv
Ranger: V small but readily vis @16X. Donut not
obv @60X.
Starm: Pickup @60X, easy @120X, br a/v but not quite
vis d/v.
Small core w 2' halo.
Ranger: Likely, tiny patch of light right location
Starm: @40X M60 pretty easy, M59 quite difclt, hint
Ranger: M59 don't think so, not sure. M60 frly
easy @30X.
Starm: Keep seeing patch @120X, biggish (3'-4'?), but
pin down.
Starm: Easy d/v, frly conc, 1.5', sim all pow 40X -
Ranger: Sim sz as dist bet * pr 25' N (2') mod easy,
sim all pow.
Starm: Took some doing, d/v @40X but not easy, best
@80X 2x3 PA 90,
comet-like with off-center core, perh
streaming away fr nrby *.
Ranger: @30X vis but not 100% sure, nrby * confuses
Starm: Readily vis d/v @28X, best @40X, fades out
higher pow.
Ranger: Challenge all pow, barely hold d/v @20X, OK
fades high pow.
Starm: @40X both d/v, M66 a lot easier than
M65. M65 just
pinprick d/v, a/v brings out some
halo. @80X some structure
M66 a/v two distinct blotches light
within halo 3x5 PA 0.
M65 not so much structure, vertical bar
a/v in elusive halo.
Ranger: M66 pretty obv a/v just SE of mod br *,
extended patch ~4'.
M65 much harder, ~3' f patch a/v.
Starm: @28X rather hard to see, doesn't quite
Rather pretty @40X, diamond shaped ~20*
all sim br except
v br * in one corner. Well framed
@120X [12' in 30' fld],
still only about 24 obvious *, sense
Ranger: @20X tricky but perfectly vis, few * poking
thru a/v,
still recalcitrant at 80X, about 10* not
quite forming up,
but still obviously cluster.
Starm: Occasional glimpses extended patch v f ~3'
possible, not likely, nothing
Starm: Readily vis @28X, @120X nice, mod conc, 1.5'
Ranger: Dfclt a/v @16X, @20X, mod easy d/v @60X,
similar to
view in Starm.
Starm: Elusive @28X, quite nice @120X, bold core and
Couple * poke out a/v to N, possibly
partly rslv?
Ranger: Elusive a/v @60X, mod dfclt, evenly brt,
Starm: 3' across, f patch, roughly sim 40X-120X, best
Hints res @120X.
Ranger: Had low hopes but in fact not so hard, maybe
even d/v,
clearer than nearby f *. 3' cloud.
Starm: @120X vf smudge, sl ellip 2x1.75 EW better
Ranger: vf a/v @60X.
Starm: 4th * tricky, maybe a/v.
Ranger: Not visible
Starm: Extremely difficult @120X, many faint patches
up illusory as strain eyes to see f
target. F patch to W of
GSC 1205-1196 apparent about 20% of time,
esp when breathing
out carefully, patch 1' - 2'
across. Checking against photos,
just the right location and size for M74.
Starm: Obv all pow, @120X pntlk core, 1' halo, brt.
Ranger: Barely d/v @16-20X, nicely vis, sm, conc
Makes nice zigag line w 3 nrby * sim brt.
Starm: Readily vis @28X, resolves as nice peanut
@120X, shape
somewhat clearer UHC, 2x1.5.
Ranger: Neat. Fnt a/v @40X, obvious a/v
@120X but disappear
d/v @120X, longer than wide.
Starm: Picked up vaguely @28X, still vague
@40X. @60X little
fuzzy spot almost overlapping nrby *, ~3'
(?). Still vis but
worse @120X.
Ranger: Quite hard to see, vf fuzz patch a/v @60X. No
sign nrby *.
Starm: Pick up f easily @28X as small, mod f fuzz
patch, unres.
@40X still nice fuzz patch, 2 contained
*s also vis. Neb
starts to disapp higher powers,
completely gone @80X, perhaps
overwhelmed by stars now v obvious.
But @120X, pick up small
new neb right arround 2 *s, big neb
totally gone.
Ranger: Quite hard, picked up eventually @40X, small
patch a/v, 1 ctr * just possible.
Not vis at sig higher
or lower powers.
Starm: Pick up vaguely @28X, still so-so @40X, best
@60X ~4' (?)
crc sl brter towards ctr, still there but
fades out @120X.
Starm: Almost stellar @28X. @40X - 120X, v obv,
br, small, conc.
Ranger: Much as in starm, v obv.
Starm: @28X both quite obv, M81 pointlike core v f
ellip halo,
M82 somewhat indistinct line. @40X
M81 fuzzy star v f difclt
halo 5x3 towards M82 [PA 0]. M82
one end lies just N of med
br *, shows bar shape d/v, cent conc pops
out a/v. M82 @120X
6x2 central rift pops out a/v,
elusive. @80X just about as
good, much more pleasant, brter conc app
W side of gap, sec
conc E side, but not sure. @160X
poss better detail but
pain to view, cent conc elongated
rectangle along axis maybe.
Ranger: @16X M81 obv M82 there but v elus, make out
no detail.
Starm: Surprisingly easy to see @120X, prob core
only, fuzzy *.
Also poss fnt halo 2' towards ctr and
W-most *s.
Ranger: Maybe, f impress tiny fuzz patch @60X right
Starm: Same fld @60X, frly easy d/v, 2-3' rnd, v
bland, ufrm,
worse than M87.
Starm: Frly easy, fuzzy *, stellar nucl, 1.5' circ
halo @120X.
Ranger: Probable @60X, f fuzzy * nr other *.
Starm: Best @80X, rnd halo 2-3', brightening
gradually towards
core, little tricky @28X, ready d/v
higher pow.
Ranger: Possibly vis @40X.
Starm: Subtle but obv @120X, elong patch 2x4 a/v PA
135 w poss
brter circ patch ~1' ctr.
Ranger: Occasional glimpses of frly l patch a/v, then
cannot pin down, not at all sure.
Starm: Easy d/v @60X and @120X, fuzzy *, poss f 2'
Ranger: Probable, elusive.
Starm: @120X huge diffuse glow > 4', circ, hard to
pin down.
Ranger: No luck.
Starm: Probable, not 100% sure, lge circ f fuzz patch
not cond,
>2' @120X.
Starm: Lovely @120X, br 2' core in f 4' halo, poss
bigger a/v,
grainy, res some * halo a/v.
Ranger: @60X lovely, br 2' core in 4' halo.
Binos: Fair amount of work. Small, quite br,
nrly stellar,
brighter than brightest in chain of 3 *s
to NNE.
Starm: @60X 5x10 shaped like bkwrd P with 2 br * in
head, plus
3 * to E, res ~20*, not many more
lurking, rather pretty.
Ranger: @60X a lot as in Dob, no so many *s, P traced
in neb.
Starm: Picked up as funny-looking * while
hopping. @120X
starlike core 0.5', halo crc 2'.
Ranger: Suspicious star @16X, obv fuzzy @40X, ~2'
Starm: a/v @40X mod hard, inside pentangle of f-ish
Ranger: Vague and challenging, a/v @30X.
Starm: Mod easy d/v @40X, fuzz patch grows with a/v,
Ranger: Smallish f blob a/v @30X in middle of
Starm: Really obv UHC @40X, substantial f brt crc,
just barely
managed @60X w/o UHC, impossible other
powers w/o UHC.
Ranger: Frly dfclt a/v @16X w UHC, obvious crc.
Starm: Work hard, give up, hands getting v cold.
Starm: Intermittent but pretty sure, 2'.
Starm: Vague sense lge circle 3' a/v sweeping @120X.
Starm: Strained long and hard, poss lge f circ patch
4-5' sl
brter than bkgd, better @80X (?) when can
fit in fld *s
better than at @120X.
Starm: Res ~20* @120X, rather pretty, elgant trngl,
stands out
best at higher power because of extra *s.
Ranger: Backbone of 4 * on NE edge easy d/v, 2 more
pr easy,
incl SW apex of trngl, several more a/v
@60X, not v convincing.
Binos: Pretty sure I saw, not rslv, confirm Ranger.
Starm: Obvious @28X, easy hop. Clrly elong,
2x0.75 PA est 90.
Ranger: Similar view to starm, obv but small.
Starm: Looks like fuzzy * all pow 28X - 120X, d/v.
Ranger: Circ, small, extremely f a/v 30X-40X.
Starm: Picked up frly easily @60X and @120X,
extended, 4x2.
Ranger: Shows up a/v @60X while sweeping, not vis
vague line 10x2.
Starm: v dfclt a/v, 1.5' crcl.
Starm: Quite dfclt, OK @40X, sl better @60X or
80X. Just off line
of 2 *s, ever so sltly N of line, vague
sense elip EW.
Ranger: Imagined many things, certainly can't
Starm: Picked up considerable dfclty in little
quadrilateral of *s,
frly lge (~5') apparently elongated.
Starm and Ranger: Vague, v dfclt a/v, sl ellip.
Almost identical
in both scopes.
- Tony Flanders
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